Industry Links & Information

This section of the website is intended as a resource for Gulf Coast Midwest Partners and friends. Inclusion of any website on this page does not imply endorsement of the site or its content by Gulf Coast.

Energy Industry Statistics & Information

Baker Hughes - A recognized authority on worldwide oil rig counts.

Energy Information Administration - Site for Official Energy Statistics from the U.S. Government.

International Energy Agency - Energy policy advisor to 27 member countries (including the U.S.). Lots of statistics and energy outlook reports.

Louisiana Department of Natural Resources - State oil and gas governing body in Louisiana.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory - A national lab of the U.S. Department of Energy. Learn about efforts to advance renewable fuels here.

Oil Sands Discovery Center - Learn about Alberta Tar Sands and how oil is extracted.

Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary - The most comprehensive oilfield terminology library we have seen on the Internet.

Texas Railroad Commission - State oil and gas governing body in Texas. Public source of data on Texas oil and gas wells, storage, etc.

U.S. Department of Energy - Federal Government agency responsible for U.S. energy policy. Among other things, there is information here about the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

U.S. Department of the Interior - Minerals Management Service - U.S. agency that regulates domestic energy production off America's coast on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). Broad information on U.S. offshore drilling.

U.S. Geological Survey - Broad national and regional geological / reserves data available.

Energy Industry Associations

American Association of Petroleum Landmen - Landman's association. Has a tool with quick capability to locate courthouses for researching leases.

American Petroleum Institute - The primary trade association of the oil and natural gas industry with more than 400 members.

Gas Processors Association - Midstream processors group. Mostly contact information with some opportunities to buy educational materials.

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) - World energy outlook, data and information from OPEC.

Permian Basin Petroleum Association - Regional publication on activities in the Permian Basin.

Petroleum Marketers Association of America - Federation of trade associations representing approximately 8,000 independent petroleum marketers.

Society for Petroleum Engineers - Largest organization serving professionals in the worldwide oil and gas industry. Lots of educational materials and industry information.

Steel Tank Institute - Pipeline and tank trade association.

Peak Oil Related Sites

Association for the Study of Peak Oil - Online magazine focusing oil and gas news with a focus on peak oil theory.

Hubbert's Peak - Princeton University geologist Kenneth S. Deffeyes, author of the book Hubbert's Peak (2001) and Beyond Oil - The view from Hubbert's peak (2005) web site. The site contains a number of links to other peak oil related sites.

Oil Depletion Analysis Centre - UK based educational charity working to raise international public awareness and promote better understanding of the world's oil-depletion problem.

Peak Oil Information and Strategies - Site dedicated to discussion of Hubbert's peak oil theory.

Oil and Gas Education Sites

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge - Information regarding energy industry in Alaska.

Central Texas Oil Patch Museum - Central Texas oil history information.

East Texas Oil Museum - East Texas oil history information.

Houston Museum of Natural Science - Wiess Energy Hall - A "go to" place for an education on the history of oil and gas exploration. Nice section on energy related facts. - Excellent site for an education on natural gas from exploration to your home.

National Petroleum Council - NPC represents the views of the oil and natural gas industries in advising, informing, and making recommendations to the Secretary of Energy with respect to any matter relating to oil and natural gas. Lots of relatively inexpensive materials available for download.

Oil + Gas - Educational site that covers oil and gas leasing / royalties.

OSHA: Oil and Gas Well Drilling and Servicing e-Tool - Educational information on oil and gas drilling from OSHA.

Paleontological Research Institution: From the Ground Up - The World of Oil - Geology, history, and uses of oil in everyday life.

Propane Exceptional Energy - Site detailing propane uses and benefits.

World Petroleum Council - Organization whose purpose is to facilitate dialogue aimed at seeking solutions to global energy issues.

Online Oil and Gas Periodicals

American Association of Petroleum Geologists

The American Oil and Gas Reporter

Intelligence Press, Inc.

The Oil Drum

Oilfield Directory

Oil & Gas Financial Journal Online

Oil and Gas

Oil and Gas Investor

Oil and Gas International

Oil and Gas Journal

Oil Online

Oil and Gas Online


Texas Drilling Observer

WTRG Economics