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How We Work

For those who want to know more about our activities - including current projects and areas of interest and how we work with investors -- we have created a special password-protected "Partners Login Area" section of this Web site. The password protection is obligatory as a result of federal and state regulations concerning investment solicitation. If you would like to submit information to us so we can determine whether you are eligible to receive a password, please send your name, address, telephone number, and email address to .

By sending this email, you agree that you have not been offered participation in any project or partnership by Gulf Coast Midwest Energy Partners, LLC. and further that you agree to receive further information from the company. You further understand that Gulf Coast Midwest Energy Partners, LLC. will hold your information in strictest confidence and will not sell it nor provide it to any third parties.

Existing Partners may go directly to Partners Login Area.

Gulf Coast Midwest Energy Partners, LLC contact office for questions regarding our operations and opportunities:

Gulf Coast Midwest Energy Partners, LLC.
1811 Bering Drive - Suite 130
Houston, Texas 77057-3006
Phone: 281-833-0000
Fax: 281-833-0004

Click here for a map to our Houston offices.